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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still Unmounting!

Well, I couldn't resist showing you the progress I made today with my stamps.  I used up all the CD cases I bought.  So now I can do other things, like wash the dishes and fold the laundry!  Sounds fun, doesn't it? 

Here are all the empty stamp cases so far.  I have to figure out what to do with these now.

Now, look at how much space they use compared to what they used before unmounting!  Plus I think it will be much easier to use what I have because I won't have to worry about dragging all those boxes out to find what I want then put them away again.  I never can find the set I want.  Now at least they will be much easier to get to then put back up!

I also need to figure out what to do with all these wooden blocks.  I have one idea for a few of them, but this many is ridiculous.  Imagine how many I'll have when I'm all done!  I gotta go now.  Let me know any ideas you may have about those cases or wooden blocks.  See you later!

1 comment:

Twila said...

Hi Carrie! Long time no talk. I can't remember if it was on the Chicken Scratch blog or were, but the demo adhered photos to the sides of the blocks and kinda stacked them, it was a really neat look! Give it a try. nice to here from you. Have you joined the new SU site yet? Let me know I want to be your friend.